Jump Start # 157

Jump Start # 157

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

  We are reminded of Kevin’s sermon Sunday night on this very passage. There are those who enjoy peace, want peace and maintain peace, but here the Lord talked about the makers of peace. The absence and opposite of peace is war. Our context continues to be the spiritual qualities of the citizens of the kingdom.

  Jesus came to bring peace on earth. He accomplished this through His death upon the cross. Peace making begins between us and God. We find peace through Jesus Christ. Those wonderful salvation words such as, “redeemed” and “reconciled” brings the image of peace to the One who demands justice. Our sins have separated us from God and broken the relationship. Jesus, through the forgiveness offered in His blood, changed all that. Our status and relationship has changed because of Jesus. We become God’s children. We are His sons and daughters.

  The citizens of Heaven’s kingdom are those who make peace. This is not accomplished through compromising and back door deals like we find in Congress. This peace comes through Christ. The peace makers therefore are pointing people to Christ. It is in Christ that grace and forgiveness are extended, the very platform for peace and restored relationships. Through Christ, we crucify self, the leading cause of war. It is promoting self that strains and kills marriages. Most couples do not fall out of love, they fall out of being unselfish. They begin wanting everything to be about themselves instead of the other person. Why do nations go to war? Often, it’s selfish. One nation wants land, or oil, or something, so they will invade another nation. Co-workers who can’t get along, children who are fussing all the time, it’s generally about at least one being selfish.

  Jesus was the most unselfish person who ever walked the earth. He gave. He served. He helped. He never said, “what about me?” Following Christ makes us like that, or at least, it ought to. Some Christians can be mighty selfish. Some churches act selfish. This is not the way of Christ.

  How is peace made? Preaching Christ. Getting folks to act like Jesus. Imagine a strained marriage and then both parties in the marriage, started acting like Jesus. They put the other first. They served the other. They were more interest in the well being and happiness of the other than themselves. They forgave. They extended grace. They apologized. They simply acted like Christ. Before long that sour marriage is hitting on all cylinders and peace prevails and the battles have ended. They acted like Jesus. The same works in the church. And at work and everywhere.

  The war continues when one doesn’t want to act like Jesus. They would rather war as to have peace. The causalities are high. The cost is enormous. Death is ugly.

  Those who make peace are blessed. They shall be called “sons of God,” like THE SON OF GOD who first brought peace. Don’t wait for the other person to call you to the table of peace, strike out first with the olive branch. Remind all involved that God’s way is best. Act like Jesus. Make peace.


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