Jump Start # 100
2 Timothy 4:22 “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.”
This will not be a typical Jump Start. We’ve hit a milestone— today is Jump Start number 100. That’s a lot. I want to pause at this one and let you know what is going on behind the scenes with our Jump Starts and to ask you if you want to continue on. Often when something starts, the novelty of a new thing is exciting, but then the “newness” wears off. The new car smell goes away, as they say. I am interested in knowing how many are still reading these. If you get a chance drop me an email (Rogshouse@aol.com) and let me know. It does take time to write these and if our time is better spent doing other things then we should. I want this to be something that folks want to read and not feel like they have to.
I will say from a personal perspective I have been amazed at how the Lord has blessed me with clear thoughts and insight into these passages. The writing of these has been easy and a delight for me. Now having said that, I’ll probably get the “writer’s block” next week.
Here is what is happening with our earlier Jump Starts. The first book, on Proverbs, is being edited and will be printed in a week or two. We started with 250 of them and we are completely out of them. The second book, on Psalms, is getting the covers put on and will be available very soon. The third book, on Jesus, is in the layout stages. Then it will be edited, printed, and assembled. Hopefully, by the first of July it will be ready.
The Jump Starts from this week most likely will not be put in a book form. I like having the three books to give to people to encourage and help. Long range plans are to set aside several just for families, “Starting with families.”
Thank you for starting your day with me in these writings. And I thank our shepherds for supporting me in this venture.
Now, on to our verse today. This is the last sentence Paul wrote through inspiration. He knew the end was near. Those famous verses, “the time of my departure is at hand…” are found just a few paragraphs before this. He knew he would soon be executed.
But what an interesting way to say what he did, “The Lord be with your spirit.” We’d think, the Lord be with you, or you be with the Lord, or continue on with the Lord. Instead the Lord with your spirit. The word “spirit” has several meanings. It can mean our soul. It can mean life. It can mean attitude, we’d say, “the spirit of America.” In some ways, Paul may have meant all of these. It is the insides of us that shape the outsides of us. Our attitudes, our souls shape our behavior, our outlook and our purpose of life.
The Lord be with your spirit. What a great comfort and help that is. That is a great statement to write in yearbooks, graduation cards, wedding cards and even to end phone conversations. It is great to say that to yourself as you go into work or the classroom. This reminds. This encourages. This brings value and helps us get our order in order.
The Lord be with your spirit!
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