Jump Start # 80

Jump Start # 80

Luke 17:32 “Remember Lot’s wife.”

  Most can recall the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept.” Our verse for today has to fall into second place, with only three words. Jesus spoke this as a warning. The chapter concerns the coming fall of Jerusalem. Jesus is giving His disciples advanced warning as to what to do. Prior to our verse Jesus said, “On that day, the one who is on the housetop and whose goods are in the house must not go down to take them out; and likewise the one who is in the field must not turn back.” The reason is that the advancing Roman army will come upon them suddenly and they would not escape. They were to flee the city quickly. The destruction took place in A.D. 70. The temple was destroyed and thousands of Jews were slaughtered. The followers of Jesus escaped. They had instructions.

  Our passage is part of those instructions. The Lord reaches back to an event in Genesis. Three words. Three words that the disciples understood very well. “Remember Lot’s wife.”

By saying this, Jesus affirmed the truthfulness of the destruction of Sodom and the story of Lot and his family. This wasn’t made up nor an allegory, but a real historical event.

  What do we “remember” about Lot’s wife? God was put out with Sodom and was going to destroy it. Abraham begged God to save it for the sake of the righteous. If only 10 righteous people could be found it would have been spared. Ten could not be found. The angels told Lot, his wife and daughters to flee the city and not to look back. We remember that Lot’s wife looked back and she was turned into a pillar of salt. She did not make it. Lot became a widower and her daughters lost a mother in that moment of disobedience.

  Here are some things we remember:

  1. Here was a person who obeyed God partially. The angels gave two instructions: (1) flee; (2) don’t look back. Lot’s wife fled. But she didn’t obey the other instruction. Sometimes we will partially obey God and feel like that is better than not obeying at all. We justify ourselves by saying, “I did do some of the things God wanted.” Remember Lot’s wife!

2. Here was a person who “looked” only one time. ‘I only did it one time’ is the theme song of the guilty who are surprised that they are in trouble. Now, had she looked 15 times, or 8 times, but she only looked once. It is not the volume of disobedience that makes it wrong, it is the heart that doesn’t trust God to obey. One time fornication can destroy a marriage, introduce a disease or pregnancy. One time is all it took. Remember Lot’s wife!

3. Here is a person who was married to a righteous man who obeyed. The book of Peter tells us that Lot was a righteous man. Lot made it. He didn’t look. Having a mate or parents that take God seriously is a great advantage to your life, but you must follow their example and do what the Lord said. Remember Lot’s wife!

4. God means what He says. God didn’t make up the rules as they went along. They were told in advance. The words were not difficult to understand. It has everything to do with faith. Eve knew in advance, yet she ate the forbidden fruit. This story is repeated over and over, even in our lives. The Bible is simple and plain. We know. Maybe we think we can get away with it. Maybe we think God won’t care. Remember Lot’s wife takes care of all of that.

  Three simple words. A very old story. Something very real for me today. Do I take God seriously? Do I do what He says? This is what this is all about. Remember?


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