Jump Start # 2346

Jump Start # 2346

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

A young Christian father asked me one evening if we could talk. He was very open, frank and got right to what was on his heart. It was sin. He was addicted to porn. He admitted it. He talked and I listened. He has told no one about this, especially his wife. No one in the congregation he attended knew about this. He was active, teaching Bible class and on the radar down the road to be one of the shepherds leading the people of God. But there was this problem.


He knows it’s wrong. He knows what Jesus said in the great sermon about lusting. He knows all the verses that I would share with him. He doesn’t like where he is at spiritually. He feels like a yo-yo. Up and then down. He knows that if he doesn’t stop, sooner or later, he’ll get caught. He fears that his wife would leave him. He knows that it is just a step from watching porn to engaging in real sexual activity. He doesn’t want his kids growing up and having to deal with these demons.


I’ve talked with far too many who have this sin in their lives. This guy was the sharpest. No apologies. No justifying. No blaming others. No trying to convince him that it’s wrong. He’s there. He knows. There are times that he is just weak and he succumbs too easily to temptation. We talked about prayer. We talked about what movies he watches. We talked about what he does to unwind. We talked about what he does when he’s on the road and traveling. He understands grace, forgiveness and the love of God. He wants to put this sin out of his life for good.


The more he talked, the more I thought he could help others because he understands the nature of this sin and he knows what to do. For him, it was a matter of doing it. “How do I do what is right and I know what is right, but temptation seems so strong?” That was the dilemma for him. His mind knew, but his heart wasn’t there. His emotions and feelings were driving his life. He at times was on top of the world. Then there were moments when he felt like the worst of all sinners. If you caught him in a good moment, you’d never know about this. Upbeat. Positive. Full of energy. But on the downside, he could be withdrawn, quiet and miserable on the inside. His friends never knew of this issue.


He asked me to write a Jump Start about this. He asked me to use his story. He felt like it might help others and he knew reading about himself in print would help him to see clearly where he was.


Here are some of my thoughts:


First, when someone pours their heart out to you like this, don’t be the first to go and tell others about this. Confidence is shattered when that happens and often things turn worse rather than better. I’ve known of situations when that happened. Someone seeking help pours their heart out. That person runs and tells the elders, who in their haste to get rid of a problem, immediately withdrew from the person. He gave up because he felt others gave up on him. Today, that guy never darkens a church door. Solomon tells us that there is a time to speak and a time to be silent. Recognize those times.


Second, addictions are easy to fall into and very hard to get out of. This is true of all addictions. Gambling, drugs, alcohol, porn, compulsive spending, eating disorders—there are some common themes that run through all of them. The instant pleasure and gratification are substitutes for a weak faith and the need for approval, success and personal satisfaction. That’s at the heart of all addictions.


Those who have not experienced addictions have a hard time understanding why a person would even start. And, worse, from the outside perspective, the solution seems so simple, just stop. Many, like the young man who talked to me, would love to, but he just doesn’t know how. Sometimes a lack of patience and seeing someone fail time and time again, makes families and brethren want to wash their hands of the whole matter and be done with that person. Come back, when you are straightened out. The addict hurts more than just himself. He hurts all those around him. He often pulls those around him into co-dependency or silently supporting the addiction.


For some addicts, professional help is a must. Be careful who you see. Check their credentials and understand their philosophy about treatment and addictions. But don’t look to counselors as your Savior. They are just one of many tools to help. The greatest help must come from your faith and your Lord. Those early Corinthians were homosexuals and drunks and going to temple prostitutes. Yet they changed. They did this without A.A., exit counseling and other things. Faith in Jesus must be powerful.


Third, to break the cycle, changes have to be made. When Jesus said, if your eye offends you, pluck it out, He was defining radical change. Keep Satan at bay. Keep him outside of your heart. Go to bed early. Read some good literature. Be around others. Pray often. Changing the environment, not only eliminates the opportunity to be tempted, but it puts days, and then weeks and then months between you and the sin. You look and realize that you can get by without sinning. You can defeat these things.


Fourth, study up on your sin. There are all kinds of powerful books written from the Biblical perspective about these addictions. Find them. Read them. Understand the nature of temptation. Weed out the problems in your heart.


Fifth, get strong in the Lord. That’s the word of Ephesians. Put on that full armor. With what God supplies you can resist ALL the flaming missiles of Satan. You can stand firm. You can conquer. On your own, probably not. But with God, all things are possible. I saw a guy the other day, his arms were as big as my waste. I didn’t have to ask him if he worked out, it was obvious. I knew he was strong physically. He put in the time. The same happens spiritually. You must put in the time. You must make the choices. You make the sacrifices. And, then something special happens. People notice. People come to you for advice and help. Why? Because they see in you what they wish was in them.


There is no magical verse that makes all of this go away. It is a fight. It is a struggle. There are many good days and then there are some days that we don’t like. Onward we must keep going. Stronger and stronger, and farther and farther away from this world we must pull ourselves.


Paul said we make it our ambition to please the Lord. Ambition. If you wanted to make the honor roll and that was your ambition, guess what? You’d go to classes. You’d go to classes when everyone else seems to be skipping. Why? Because you have an ambition. If your ambition was to retire with money, then you will not live paycheck to paycheck. Why? Because you have a goal and an ambition. And, if your ambition is to please the Lord, then you’ll not do what everyone else is doing. You’ll put in safe guards and be transparent about your ways. Why? Because you want the Lord to be smiling down upon you. You want to please Him.


We finished our talk. We hugged. I promised him that I would write this and that I would check in on him. He promised me that his ambition was to please God. One day at a time. Don’t live your entire life now. Just get through today. Get through it well. Get through it with prayer, hope and the Lord. Take on tomorrow, tomorrow. When you fail, beg for God’s mercy. He is good. Pick yourself up. Look and see what tripped you and why? Determine to watch for that and keep your eyes open.


Addictions are ruining this country. Porn is killing the church. It’s time leaders understood this and dealt with this in real, practical and helpful manners. It’s time to be honest. It’s time, like my new friend, to seek someone to talk to who will help. These things will not go away immediately. Most wars take time. Most wars have a heavy cost attached to them. Most wars are intense. But this war, with God’s help, you must win.


Share this with others that you feel could use some help.





Jump Start # 963


Jump Start # 963

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

In the midst of the sermon on the mount, Jesus established several concepts about the kingdom of God. These principles reflect the attitude and the responsibilities that the Lord’s disciples were to have toward the kingdom. Discipleship began by denying self. That came first. Then, it was followed by taking up the cross and following Jesus. Our verse says it this way, “seek first His kingdom…”


It seems we agree with this principle in theory, but in practice many don’t illustrate it. God first is the rallying cry. Turn to God is what we say. Yet, too often, the seeking first part is rather lacking.

Why is it that when a congregation plans a special meeting, some members do not come. Worse, some planned vacations during the same time. Could it be that we never even dreamed of thinking what is going on with the congregation? Could it be that supporting and helping the kingdom grow doesn’t even register on our radar? Could it be that we live by the spirit that “I will take a vacation whenever I feel like it?” Does this demonstrate seeking HIS kingdom FIRST?

Why is it that some can’t get to the church building on time? Understand things happen at home. We had four kids and I know that. But some families, it’s EVERY WEEK. It’s EVERY service. Late. It throws the teacher off. It disrupts the teaching process. Are these same families late to work every day? Doubt it. Are they late to school every day? Doubt it. It’s a kingdom thing. It’s just church and it is not a high priority. Get there when they can. It seems the FIRST part isn’t FIRST.


Why is it, as the context of this passage illustrates, the pursuit of life, including housing, food and clothing is allowed to shove God’s kingdom to the back burner? Why is it that concerts, ballgames and trips become a regular reason to skip the worship of God? Why is it that we shove God to the back? Why is it that if there is nothing else, then we will worship God? This is much, much more than attending church services. Putting the kingdom first, is a way of thinking. It is reflected in choices, attitudes, dress and behavior. It is illustrated in whether or not worship is a priority. It is illustrated where we put God in our lives.


Just what does first mean? This has to do with a priority as well as an order or ranking. Maybe one reason that God doesn’t seem to have much of an impact in many lives is that we want God, we say we love God, we know that we need God, but not FIRST. First, is me. First, is what I want. First, is taking care of self.

What would it look like for a person to truly put the kingdom of God first in their lives?


  • The day would begin with prayer. The eyes open and the heart reaches Heavenward. The person is always thinking about God. He doesn’t have to guilt trip himself into praying. He does it. It’s natural. He likes, wants, and needs to talk to God often.
  • As a person is getting ready to go about the day, the thoughts of the kingdom would influence what choices in clothes the person put on. The kingdom would influence what music the person listened to.


  • As the day progressed, the seeker of the kingdom, would think about the kingdom. He would pray for those who were needing help. He would pray for those who hadn’t found God. He would look around those he interacted with and remember that he is salt and light for the Kingdom.


  • The word of God would be read each day by the one seeking first the kingdom. Such a person is fascinated with the kingdom. He would want to know more about spiritual truths.


  • At home, the seeker of God’s kingdom would inject spiritual lessons in his daily conversations. He would talk about how things could be improved at home, in his life and in the congregation. He is always thinking about those things.


  • The seeker of God’s kingdom would make wise choices as to what TV shows he watched and what movies he went to. The seeker of God’s kingdom wants to be right with God. When ungodly advertisements came on the TV, he would quickly switch channels.
  • The seeker of God’s kingdom is quick to judge himself. He recognizes his failings and apologies to God and others when he has let them down. He is slow to judge others.
  • The seeker of God’s kingdom will be at worship services. He loves to worship. He is active in singing, praying and connecting with the church family. Even when he travels the seeker of God’s kingdom includes worshipping God in other congregations in other cities.


First, means first. First is not second. First is not almost. First is not close. First is first. In sports we know what first is. No one has to tell us. Your team is in first, or they are not. At graduation, we know what first in the class means. In music, first chair means first. Yet, somehow, when it comes to the kingdom of God, first, for some, means I’ll get around to it when I can. Don’t think we’d like a doctor like that. We’d spend the entire day in the waiting room. We wouldn’t like a mechanic like that. Our car would be in the shop for a month. We wouldn’t like a God like that. We might get forgiveness or we might not. God not only put us first, but He sent the best He had for us—Jesus Christ. It’s not too much to ask us to put His cause, His will, His kingdom, His way first in our lives.

I heard about a family back during the depression, World War II period, that longed to hear a gospel preacher preach. The problem was, the church conducting the service was in another state and the family didn’t have gas money. The dad, traded in some war bonds, just to get the gas money, to take the family to another state, to hear a man preach. Can you imagine?


I head about a husband and wife who used their only vacation of the year to go overseas to help a small struggling church. It wasn’t a paradise vacation. It was intense work but very rewarding. Can you imagine?

I heard about a high school football player who was the captain of his team, who walked off the field, in uniform, got in his car and drove to the church building to attend a church service. Can you imagine?

I heard of a man who every year bought hundreds of dollars of books and gave them to young preachers. Can you imagine?


Stories like these are in the hundreds. Men and women sacrificing time and money, devoting themselves to the cause of Christ. They want the kingdom to grow. They want the kingdom to win. They want to do their part. They are letting God know that He can count on them. These seekers of the kingdom are doing more than just showing up when it is convenient. They are doing things when it is most inconvenient. They spend on the kingdom rather than themselves. They give up things and time that could be spent on self, for the kingdom. They are true seekers of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Shame on some of us. We allow the first thing to stop us. If there is a conflict, self wins. If there is a difficulty, we pick the physical over the spiritual. Is it any wonder so many churches are stale and stuck? Is it any wonder why so many feel like they are not getting anything out of their spiritual life? Is it any wonder that it is so easy for some to just drop out?


It’s time to quit sticking our big toe in the kingdom and trying to decide if the temperature is right. Jump in. Seek first. Get busy. Even today, on a Monday, seek first the kingdom of God.


Be that kingdom seeker. It’s what God wants from you.
