Jump Start # 3616

Jump Start # 3616

Ephesians 4:12 “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.”

Lately, there has been a variety of workers down at the church building. Some days, it has just been busy. A guy showed up to do the annual inspection on the fire extinguishers. He said we had five in the building. I had to help him find them. There has been a leak in the roof and teams of workers have been attacking that. One of our cameras hasn’t been working and tech crews were out running wires and fixing those things. These people all came from different companies and they each had specific things they were doing. The roofers were not interested in the cameras and the tech team didn’t have the know-how to fix the roof. But one thing they all had in common was trucks filled with the tools and supplies they needed to do the job.

And, that leads us to the front part of our verse today. “Equipping the saints,” or perfecting them, as the King James states. The word for equipping means  to make fully ready, prepare or complete. In one ancient writing, it was used to load the boat. I like that concept, “load the boat.”

If one was going on a fishing trip, the boat would be loaded with fishing poles, tackle, nets and things to hold fish in. The boat would be prepared for that. If one was sailing across the seas to deliver grain and merchandise, then crates and barrels would fill the boat. If the boat was carrying passengers, then food and comfort would be the main preparations. I’ve been on paddle wheelers, river boats and ocean cruises. The vessels were prepared for their destination. The boats had been loaded.

Our verse is not about boats, but people, and not just any people. The people of God, or saints, is the focus of our passage. They have been equipped, completed, loaded with the necessary tools to serve. The purpose was to get the saints ready for the work of service. Duty calls. Love demands. People need us. It’s all hands on deck. But, before we can fully and completely do our job of helping others, we need to ‘load the boat.’

Some thoughts for us:

First, God has supplied the supplies. We are not left to wonder what ought to be put on the boat. The previous verse says, “He gave..”  The “He” is God. God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. That’s the supplies. That’s what goes on the boat. Those are the very things that will equip us. This is God’s supply chain.

That list is interesting. Each are different, but each are similar. Evangelists are not apostles. Prophets are not apostles. Evangelists and pastors have different roles. But, one thing they all have in common is teaching God’s word. That’s what the apostles did. That’s what prophets did. That’s the work of evangelists. That’s what pastors and teachers do. No counselors. No baby sitters. No fitness instructors. No growth management experts. Just those five that are listed. That’s all that is needed. That’s all that is necessary. That’s what will ready the saints to do their work. That’s what will load the boat for us.

God didn’t leave it up to us to figure out what we most needed. God knew. God provided. Nothing else is necessary.

Second, the platform upon which these supplies are going to be loaded on to our boat, is a willing and open heart that will be taught God’s word. The saints are to be equipped. How God wants this done is by the teaching of His word. In that word, we see David shepherding the people of God. In that word, we find our Lord, compassionately helping others. In that word, we see the selfless sacrifices of Paul. In that word, we learn humility, love and putting others first. Motivated by the word. Challenged by the word. Taught by the word. Led by the word.

Sermons empty of God’s word will not equip us. Our boats will be empty. Classes that spend more time in speculation and opinions, that seeing what God says, won’t help us do the work that needs to be done. God is counting on us to be His eyes, fingers and feet. But, we won’t go unless we are ready. Load the boat!

Third, through the service of the saints, the church is built up. We encourage one another. We lift our spirits. We support and help each other. This is why saints go out of their way for others. This is why the second mile and even the third mile is walked with others. This is why we sit in the surgery waiting room with others. This is why we go to the funeral. This is why we stick around after services. Our boats are loaded. We are well supplied. We have a good word to share. We have a smile to extend. We have a heart that is open for others.

And, we’ve gotten that way because we have been supplied by God. We are ready to do the job that is before us. We stand upon the Scriptures and we now face the task of encouraging others. Building up, making stronger, encouraging others is what we are about. We do that in worship. We do that privately by our conversations, sharing and love for one another.

It really isn’t hard to do this. Like a work truck, we are stocked with the tools necessary to do this job. There is a reciprocal effect through the N.T. We have been taught, so we teach others. We have been blessed, so we bless others. We have been forgiven, so we forgive others. We have been shown the light, so we show others the light.

These things do not stop with us. They pass through us to others. Building up one another is just one way we continue the reciprocal cycle.

Load the boats…



Jump Start # 3039

Jump Start # 3039

Ephesians 4:12 “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.”

As I write this, the war in Ukraine is becoming more intense. There are congregations in Ukraine. Here is a thought that you will not hear on the National News. Many thousands have fled from Ukraine and gone to neighboring countries, that is except for the men. They are told to remain and fight for their country. There is a possibility when all of this is over, that the Ukrainian congregations will have no men among them. If the heavy hand of Russia crushes the resistance, the male Christians could all be killed. We fervently pray that will not happen. We pray that the Lord will turn this around.

It is arrogantly easy for us to say, “that would never happen here.” Really? And, as we study churches in the N.T., like the seven in Revelation 2-3, “those things would never happen here.” Why then spend the time studying them? Maybe we need to realize that “those” things could happen.

If in our congregations today, ever adult male was no longer around, could the women carry on? Could one among them lead in worship? Could one pray publicly? Could one teach? Could one give a lesson? Would our congregations carry on or would they crumble? More than that, could you step up and do what you have never done before? Could you teach an adult class? Could you lead the Lord’s Supper? Could you put some thoughts together and teach and encourage the people of God?

We are so blessed in this land to have so many congregations that are filled with talented men that teach, lead, serve and preach for us. They do wonderful work. Year after year, they are hammering away at the word of God. But what if they were gone? All of them. What if it fell to you? Do you know the Scriptures? Do you know how to encourage others?

In Ezekiel the call was put out to find someone to stand in the gap. Could that person be you?

Our verse today, about equipping the saints, reminds us of many powerful truths.

First, God’s way of equipping saints was through teaching. Each of the groups listed, starting with apostles, then prophets, evangelists, teachers were all mechanisms used to teach. That is God’s way. Teach the word of God. To do that, we must know it.

Second, for decades we have sat and listened in classes and sermons. We’ve taken notes. We’ve had volumes of handouts, outlines, and papers given to us. We have taken all of this in. But to what purpose? We are to be more than sponges that just absorb and take in. Not only should all of this change us and transform us, but it ought to develop us so that we can share with others.

Third, the maturity of the church is wrapped around the spiritual strengthening of the disciples. They were taught and that led them to becoming mature in Christ. They would make mature decisions. They would act mature. They would move by faith and not fear or emotion. The immature church is structured with immature disciples. They are likely to run off chasing the latest religious fad. They are not keen to recognize error and are unable to know what to do with error. The immature disciple lacks godly judgment, patience and steadfastness.

Paul told the Corinthians to “act like men.” The Ephesians were told to “stand firm.” Within our context, we find, “we are to grow up.” With or without an eldership, we will continue in the ways of the Lord. With or without a preacher, we will continue on in the ways of the Lord.

That mature state realizes that every person, every part adds. Together, the church grows. The church grows internally as we become stronger and stronger in faith. It grows numerically as we share the Gospel to the community around us. It grows financially, as we become more and more generous, as the Lord is to us.

There was a time in the O.T., when David and his men were running from King Saul. They returned home only to find that their families were kidnapped. David’s men, so low and discouraged, thought of killing David. In that context we find the expression, “David strengthened himself.” David encouraged himself. There wasn’t anyone else to do that. I feel that there are times when we haven’t developed brethren to that point. One gets discouraged and there is no one to recognize that or to help, so that person falls off the map. They no longer walk with the Lord. Why couldn’t that lonely soul strengthen himself? Why must we always rely upon others? What if there are no others? We will always need a fellowship to support, encourage and work together. But our soul mustn’t survive only if there is a fellowship for us. What about the Christian men in Ukraine who may well be isolated from other disciples at this time? Are they to allow their faith to die? No one to encourage them. No one to remind them. No one to teach them. No one to be an example to them. They must do as David did. Strengthen yourself—keep going.

The pandemic revealed that many could not do that. Their faith, as weak and small as it was, flickered out. May we use teaching moments like this to remind ourselves, I am responsible for my faith and my walk with the Lord. Not my family. Not my congregation.

What would you do if ever male member was gone this coming Sunday? Could you continue on…

There are all kinds of lessons that come from times like these.
