Jump Start # 3577

Jump Start # 3577

Ecclesiastes 7:5 “It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man than to listen to the song of fools.”

The Holy Spirit guided Solomon to write some of the most practical and useful helps from Heaven. As with the Proverbs, many lines coming from Ecclesiastes are written in the form of contrasts. Such is our verse today. Rebuke is contrasted with song. And, wise man is contrasted with fools.

Better is the rebuke of a wise man than to listen to the song of fools. Most often, Solomon doesn’t explain the “why” behind such noble and novel statements. Why is the rebuke of a wise man better than the song of a fool? We like songs. We like listening to music. My wife and I often go to the orchestra. I love hearing our little grandchildren sing. Songs put a smile on our hearts. They lift our spirits. We love listening to songs.

Rebuke on the other hand means something isn’t right. We have several words for rebuke. Words such as, censure; reprimand; criticize; reproach; give a talking to; or, common to our times, ‘a come to Jesus meeting.’ There are two stings that come with a rebuke. First, is realizing that we were wrong. The second, is that someone else recognizes that we were wrong. The rebuke doesn’t come from ourselves. It’s a wise man that gives the rebuke.

And, herein lies the problem. We like listening to songs, but we don’t enjoy rebuke. It doesn’t matter if it comes from the pulpit, and the preacher has knocked the shine off your shoes; or, from work; or, from our spouse. Rebukes sting. They hurt. And, the natural and most common reaction to a rebuke is to get defensive, search for an excuse and turn the tables on the one confronting us.

Our passage is more than just stating a rebuke, but it is better if we have listened to it. We received it. We have accepted it. We have considered it. And, we need this because we are often blind to our own faults. Some have done wrong for so long that they no longer see what they are doing is wrong. Faults are like the headlights of a car. The ones’ coming toward you always seem brighter than yours.

Now, some thoughts from this:

First, it is better to listen to the rebuke because who is sharing it with you. Our verse identifies this person as a wise man. Do you think he enjoys giving a rebuke? He’d rather compliment. He’d rather praise. But he can’t and he won’t. And, the reason is he cares so much about you, that he wants you to do what is right. He loves your soul and he is trying to help.

We muddy the water and make matters difficult when we refuse to listen to what a wise person says to us and we close our ears to any suggestions that would lead to a more righteous life. The wise man cares about you. He doesn’t want to see you continue down the path you are going. His wisdom allows him to see things that you may not see. He sees consequences. He sees what it does to our habits and attitudes. He sees how it wounds our family. He’s seen enough. Now he speaks. In gentleness, wrapped in love, he rebukes. He realizes how difficult this is. You may explode. You may walk away. You may be finished with him, forever. He takes that chance. It’s worth that chance, to try to help you.

Second, a fool won’t rebuke. A fool only thinks about himself. A fool is only in the moment. He doesn’t know consequences or eternity. This is why he is a fool. Dance with me, the fool says. Listen to my songs, the fool says. Happy, happy, happy, is all the fool is interested in. Don’t think about rules. Don’t think about others. Just be happy. Oh, that song has many different titles. Ole’ blue eyes Sinatra sang, “I did it my way.” Another song declared, “If loving you is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.” From the past to the present, the fool keeps singing.

Third, the goal of the rebuke is a changed life. Repentance is the outcome of a rebuke listened to. A course correction takes place. Wrong has been stopped and now right is being pursued. A life has been saved. The prophet Nathan rebuked king David. Jesus rebuked a demon and it came out of the person. Peter rebuked the Lord and in turn was rebuked by Jesus.

There are some who are would love to sign up to be the policemen of the church. They’d love to write out tickets for kids running in hallways, people sleeping during services, and for a pitiful contribution given. Quick to rebuke and quick to find fault is the joy of some. And, some do it so often that no one listens to them any more. Every time they open their mouths, out flies a rebuke. And, it never ends. Every service. Every get together. Every singing. Every opportunity and even when there is no opportunity. Such is wearisome and discouraging. Some are never happy.

I saw a cartoon years ago. A very unhappy woman was standing at the customer service counter. The man at the counter said, “Ma’am, if we refund you the money, give you a new product, close the store and shoot the manager, would you be happy?” And, for most the answer would be a profound, NO.

There is a time and a place for rebuke. A wise man recognizes that. There is a way to rebuke. A wise man recognizes that. The purpose of a rebuke is not to crush and destroy someone, but rather to make a person do better. The goal is success, not destruction.

Better is rebuke than a song. Better is what a wise man says than what a fool says. Better if we listen than we ignore. Ageless truths and treasures from God’s word.



Jump Start # 2695

Jump Start # 2695

Ecclesiastes 7:5 “It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man than to listen to the song of fools.”

Ecclesiastes is the reflective, observational book that takes a deep look into the soul of a person. Within Ecclesiastes, especially this seventh chapter are a series of upside down statements to us. At least seven times Solomon contrasts opposites and he declares which opposite is the best one. He doesn’t leave it up to us to decide. That’s good. We’d choose the easiest, safest and most convenient choice. Here are some things Solomon puts on the table:

  • Good name and good ointment. Good name is better.
  • Day of death and day of birth. Day of death is better.
  • House of mourning and house of feasting. The mourning is better.
  • Sorrow and laughter. Sorrow is better.
  • The end and the beginning. The end is better.
  • Patience and haughtiness. Patience is better.
  • Rebuke of a wise man and the song of fools. The rebuke is better.

If we didn’t know the Bible and we went through that list and had to pick out a choice for the day, I’m certain that I’d pick the wrong choices. Who likes death? Who likes sorrow? Who wants to be rebuked? Solomon is looking beyond the moment to what those things do for us. They cause us to think. They lead us to change. They are growing moments in our spiritual journey. Feasting, laughter, songs, we are none the better after those things. We do not change. We do not look inward because of them.

Our verse today is about the rebuke. The rebuke of a wise man is better than the song of fools. Rebuke has many names. We call it criticism, reproach, censure, giving a talk to, reprimanded. And, the thing about rebukes is that they sting. They can sting worse than what a wasp can do to you. They hurt because someone recognizes that you were wrong. There are many classic rebukes in the Bible. Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves and the sea became still. Jesus rebuked a demon and he left a person. Nathan rebuked David.

Solomon’s words are not about giving a rebuke, but rather receiving one. There is a way one needs to know how to correct someone. This needs to be done in kindness and love, standing upon the golden rule as how you would want others to correct you. But Solomon is directing these words towards the one getting the rebuke. Something wrong was done. Now a person was being called on the carpet about that. And, that process is better than listening to the songs of fools.

It’s hard to listen to rebuke that is directed towards you. This is true through a sermon in which the preacher tans your hide and steps on your toes. This is true when it comes through a face to face conversation. We tend to get defensive and pull out a bag of excuses to justify what we did. We often turn the tables and point out the wrongs of others. We may even attack the person confronting us. We get angry. And, through all of this we have heard the words of rebuke but we have not listened. And, we have not changed. However, when rebuked is truly listened to, it leads to change. It leads to repentance. It leads to apologies, better attitudes and better behavior. Without the rebuke, we remain unchanged. Without the rebuke we are likely to die being wrong.

Rebuke is hard because it can ruin friendships and separate brethren. It shouldn’t be that way. We ought to be thankful for the one that loves us enough to try to help us. And, it may be we have seen so much judgmental, picky attitudes, that some folks can never be pleased. Some would rather point the radar gun at you than hold the mirror up to themselves.

None of us are without improving. Even the best and the strongest among us make wrong choices. All of us need each other. We tend to give ourselves an easy pass while holding others to the letter of the law. There is an unequal balance often in how we view others and how we see ourselves. Rebukes have a way of leveling those things out.

Here are a few thoughts:

First, when someone wants to talk to you, find a time and a place where you won’t be interrupted. Don’t keep putting this off. As painful as it may be, you need to hear what the other is saying.

Second, as you meet, begin with a prayer. Pray that you will listen honestly and not interrupt. Pray that your heart will be touched. Thank the Lord for the person who cares enough about you to come to you. Pray for wisdom. Pray for your friendship to grow through these things.

Third, listen and listen well. Some people may perceive things in their minds that really are not there. Some read motives when there were no motives. Years ago I had a guy get angry with me because I never called on him for prayer. I never put more than a half second thought into who I was going to ask. Most times, it’s whoever caught my eye before a class. He had it in his mind that I didn’t like him. He was real worked up and nearly ready to leave for another congregation. There was no motive. I just didn’t keep track of who had and who had not led prayer. It wasn’t a big deal to me. It was a huge deal to him. I apologized and wrote his name on the top of my notes so I would remember to call on him for prayer. After that, all was fine. He thought something was there. It was how he perceived it.

Fourth, don’t be too big to apologize if indeed you have done wrong. Don’t try to make something wrong right by bending the rules or pointing out the wrongs of others. Be a big person and do what is right.

Finally, as you part, pray again to the Lord asking Him to forgive you for the wrongs that you did. That’s the point of rebuke. It’s more than a listing of your wrongs, it is to move you to better behavior. Recognizing your wrongs will cause you to ask the Lord for forgiveness. It will lead you to make adjustments and changes  in your life. The rebuke will turn you into a better person.

It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man…hard to do, but it’s the best thing to do.



Jump Start # 141

Jump Start # 141 

Ecclesiastes 7:5 “It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man than for one to listen to the song of fools.” 

  Our passage for today is found in the midst of Solomon’s comparisons. He doesn’t leave it up to us to determine the course we should follow, rather, with each comparison Solomon tells us which one is better. The word “better” is found seven times in chapter 7. These are more than comparisons, they are opposites in our thinking. We would not typically think that going the funeral home is better than going to a party, but Solomon does. We would not think that rebuke is better than laughter, but Solomon does. In many ways, Solomon is looking at superficial things compared to the lessons that change our lives. Good ointment, feasting, laughter, beginnings are not the things that give us the depth and reflection that death, rebuke, having a good name and the conclusions do.

  Our verse contrasts listening. Two things are listened to. One is better than the other. Listening to rebuke from a wise man is better than listening to the songs of fools. This passage is layered with many contrasts: rebuke vs. songs; wise vs. fools; singular (wise man) vs. plural (fools). Songs are fun. We have I-tunes, and I-pods that play our favorite songs. Kids learn at an early age to sing songs. Singing is a huge part of worship to God. But, rather we like to admit it or not, our favorite song is flattery! We love people to love us. We like to hear what a good job we’ve done. We like to be appreciated. This is the song of fools. Foolish because flattery and foolishness go together. It is vain and often self seeking.

  Rebuke, on the other hand, stings. It hurts, whether it comes from the pulpit, from our parents, our mates, the boss or a neighbor. We tend to get defensive when people rebuke us. Here in this passage it is more than rebuke vs. flattery, it is the source that matters. The wise man tells you rebuke to improve you, help you and strengthen you. He does this because he cares and loves you. It is difficult for him to say it as it is for you to listen to it. We tend to get defensive when rebuke comes. We are quick to find an excuse and a reason to justify our behavior. When we do that, we don’t really “listen” to what is said. The listening here is just as important as what we are listening to. The wise wants to improve your life. He wants you to be a better parent, a stronger Christian, a caring mate. He sees things in you that can be better. He has become wise because he walks with God. He has learned from experience. He has tasted rebuke for other wise people in his life. His helping you will not only make you a better person but it will enable you to help others.

  There is a silent application in this verse as well. We become wise when we listen to the rebuke of the wise. We become foolish when we reject what the wise say or we listen to the songs of fools.

  No one longs to be rebuked. Sometimes it is justified. Sometimes not. Sometimes it comes from those who care and want to help. Sometimes it comes from critics and cranks who simply want to run your life. We all need others to help us. We are not perfect. Paul told Timothy the preacher to “reprove, rebuke and exhort.” Rebuking sermons are not the audiences favorite. Some preachers only preach those kind of sermons. That wasn’t Paul’s recommendation.

  When someone rebukes you– consider, are they wise or a fool? Listen to what they say. Be honest. If it is true, change. Be better. If it is not true, let it go.
