Jump Start # 2906

Jump Start # 2906

Acts 1:23 “So they put forward two men, Joseph called Barsabbas (who was also called Justus), and Matthias.”

Judas was dead. He committed suicide. It was time to choose a new apostle. Here in this setting we find that process. There were was qualifications or credentials that were necessary. They had seen Jesus. They had followed Jesus. They were in the multitudes as the Lord taught. They had witnessed His resurrection.

Two names are submitted, Justus, who has two other names, and Matthias. The apostles thought well of both men. In their book, either could have been chosen. They prayed. They wanted the Lord to determine. Lots were chosen and Matthias was the one. And, for most of us this is the end of the story.

But what about ole’ Justus? He wasn’t chosen. And, it wasn’t that the apostles didn’t choose him, God didn’t. Matthias is in and Justus is out. Matthias would be one of the twelve. We don’t have any books of the Bible written by Matthias. There are no Biblically recorded miracles by Matthias. We really do not know much about him, other than he beat out Justus.

How did Justus feel going home that day? One wonders why the Lord put those two through that? Why didn’t the Lord just pick Matthias. Why have Justus get his hopes up? Why the process and why the rejection?

And, although we don’t get to follow Justus home and know any more about his story, maybe, just maybe God has this in there for the rest of us who have been rejected. Sure there has been jobs that we didn’t get. There has been teams we didn’t make. Some sat on the bench and watched everyone else play. There were dates that were either stood up or never happened. We place all of those in the folder called “Life.” Those things happen. We learn. We move on.

But, it’s different here. It’s different with Justus. This wasn’t a job, a date or a spot on the team. This was working in the kingdom. This was being gifted with the Holy Spirit and preaching the word everywhere. This was to be known as “one of the twelve.” God didn’t choose Justus.

Do you think he went the rest of his life with that tag upon him? “Justus, weren’t you the guy that wasn’t chosen to be an apostle?” “Hey, you’re the one that wasn’t good enough?” It’s enough to go home and put the covers over your head.

And, that may be where some of us are. The young preacher who tries out at a church to be the next preacher there. The phone call comes and the church has decided to pass on him. Why, he wonders? Several names are put forth to be shepherds in a congregation. One of them is not chosen. It’s not a matter of not being qualified, otherwise his name would not have been put forth. Why? Rejected. Is it because I’m not good enough? Is it because they don’t want me? Is it because they see something in me that I don’t see? How does one go on after he was overlooked and not chosen?

Here are a few things that can happen:

First, one can get jealous and become a real thorn in the flesh to the one who was chosen. Every step of the way, the jealous one makes things difficult. He questions every decision. He challenges every idea. He’s not over the fact that he was not chosen. Rejected, he has become bitter and now mean. I don’t see Justus doing that. I don’t think that was in his heart.

Second, some decide to leave the congregation. They feel that they are no longer appreciated or wanted. They didn’t get the role that they wanted, so they no longer have any interests in being around those people. Again, I don’t see Justus doing that. He probably prayed for Mathias. He likely continued to serve the Lord as he was before his name came up.

Third, some go so far as quitting all together. They just give up. They want nothing to do with the kingdom any more. And what shows so clearly here is a spirit of pride and selfishness. If I don’t get my way, then I’ll go home and you won’t have me around any more. That attitude does not belong in the service of God or His people. That illustrates a total misunderstanding of humility, service and love.

So, what happened to ole’ Justus? We don’t know. Likely, very likely, he continued to serve the Lord as he could. As the disciples spread out because of the Jerusalem persecution, it is very likely that he moved on to a new place. I want to think that he served the Lord the rest of his life. I want to believe that he prayed very deeply for the apostles and as he heard about their arrests, beatings and death, that he was deeply touched and moved by those things. I want to think that Justus is awaiting you and I in that Heavenly rest promised by the Lord.

One can serve without a title. One can be beneficial without having stood behind a pulpit. One can make a huge impact by faithfully doing whatever he can for the Lord. Not all of us get our prayers answered the way we would like. The day that the new apostle was chosen would have begun with much anticipation, thought and prayer. As that day closed, I want to believe that Justus looked Mathias in the eyes, with a deep, deep smile, say to him, “You’ll help us so much. I am thankful the Lord chose you.”

There is more about Justus that we do not know than what we do know. But this story is given to us. It’s there to help those who may have felt left out, neglected, overlooked to realize there is still room in the kingdom and there is a powerful work that we all can do. It was the Lord’s will that Mathias was chosen. It was the Lord’s will that only one, not both be chosen. It was the Lord’s desire that Justus continue to walk, serve and honor the Lord with his talents.

Justus isn’t the only one like this in the Bible. What about Peter’s brother, Andrew. He was never included in that inner circle. It was always Peter, James and John. James and John were brothers. Why couldn’t Peter’s brother be there? And, then there is the runt David. When Samuel came to Jesse’s home, all the sons were invited in. David wasn’t even included. He was left out.

Justus…an incredible story for us to think about. What do you think you would have done, had you been in his shoes?



Jump Start # 1704

Jump Start # 1704

Acts 1:23 “So they put forward two men, Joseph called Barsabbas (who was also called Justus), and Matthias.”


I was teaching the opening sections of Acts the other day and came to this passage. This involved the finding of a replacement for Judas. Not only did Judas become bad, he died a bad way. Peter reminded the brethren that this was according to prophecy as well as finding his replacement. Another apostle. He must be a witness of the resurrection of Jesus. Two names were put forward, Joseph and Matthias. The apostles prayed. Lots were cast and Matthias was chosen. He wasn’t chosen by luck. He didn’t pull the long straw by chance. The prayer that the disciples prayed asked the Lord to choose. God was involved. God got what He wanted.


It is interesting that there were others who had seen the resurrected Jesus. There were others who would make great candidates to be chosen. Why were they both not chosen? God wanted a total of twelve. Twelve is the number of tribes in Israel. Only one would be chosen. It was Matthias.


We don’t read about these two after this. One was chosen to be an apostle and the other wasn’t. This presents a powerful lesson for us. We often focus upon the winner. The guy who is chosen. What about the guy who wasn’t. What about the guy who was cut from the team. The guy who didn’t get the scholarship. What about the man who wasn’t chosen to be an elder in the church. What about the preacher who was not hired. That is our life story for many of us. For some, within their family, they witnessed this. You may have had a big brother or sister and they were varsity, but you didn’t make the team. They were honor roll, and you weren’t. They got the great job and you didn’t. It’s hard to be a Justus, the one who wasn’t chosen to be an apostle.


This is enough for some to feel second place the rest of their lives. Not good enough. Not smart enough. Not pretty enough. High school reunions and family reunions can be brutal in this way. It is often nothing more than showoff time. The nice car, the big house, the amazing success. It’s hard to be around some when they brag and flaunt their successes.


How do you live being a Justus in life?


First, some of God’s greatest servants didn’t wear titles or have amazing recognition. Without knowing for sure, I’d expect, just because of the character people saw and was willing to put his name up, that Justus served the Lord in other ways. I wouldn’t surprised to learn that he preached the Gospel. I wouldn’t be surprised to know that he strengthened congregations and even served as a shepherd of God’s people. This is what dedicated people do.


So, you are not chosen to be in the leadership role. You can quit and make a scene, which would shocked everyone, or you can continue to serve in other ways. You can still have people in your home. You can still visit and teach classes. You can still be an encourager. There is an expression that 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. You can be one of those 20. You can find where you are useful and needed and get busy.


Second, you don’t have to be noticed, praised or given a “shout out” to be noticed by Heaven. Jesus said whoever gives a cup of cold water, would not lose their reward. A cup of water doesn’t cost much. It isn’t hard to do. Most wouldn’t even mention it, yet God saw it and recognized the good that was done. So, you send a card, and few if any know anything about it. You give a gift card to someone. You pay for someone’s dinner at a restaurant. You pay for coffee for the guy in the car behind you.  You put some money in a card and send it anonymously to a family. Because we never read of Justus again in our New Testaments, does not indicate that he sat on the sidelines of life. We don’t read about the other apostles very much in Acts. Aside from Peter, James, John and Paul, most seemed to have dropped off the map. They didn’t. They were out traveling the world preaching. Some of the best things being done in the kingdom are by those who very few know. Prestige, honor and making a name doesn’t work in the kingdom. It’s all about God. God is aware of the things you do, big and little. You don’t need to toot your horn. You don’t need to tell others. In fact, there are many things that goes on that few know about. That’s the way the kingdom works.


Third, I really doubt that Justus trashed Matthias or felt bitter towards him. Matthias was God’s chosen. If anything, I would expect Justus to fully support, defend and be there for Matthias. Can you do that if we were talking about elders? Two names are put up before the congregation. Your name is one of them. The other is chosen and you are not. Can you support the new elder? Will you defend him and help him? Or, have the seeds of jealously been planted in your heart? Will your family conduct themselves as they should or will they avoid the new elder and his family? Being chosen is an honor. But being able to carry yourself with dignity and service, when you were not the chosen one, speaks of even greater character.


Fourth, those who are in the shoes of a Matthias, you, too, have a lesson. You were chosen. You made the team. You were picked as the winner. You were made an elder of the church. Your spirit and attitude toward the Justus’ can help or hurt things. Don’t let things go to your head. Don’t think of yourself as better than Justus. Don’t ruin a good thing by being selfish, arrogant or forgetting God in all of this. Hurt feelings can be healed quickly when a Matthias and a Justus work together and love each other as God would want us to.


Matthias and Justus—one became an apostle and the other didn’t. Some times we are the Matthias. Other times, we stand with Justus. There are lessons to be learned from both sides of this.

