Jump Start # 3675
1 Corinthians 1:26 “For consider your call, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble.”
We started a new series of Sunday classes back home. I leading a class called, “Profiles in Excellence.” I say, “leading,” because out of the twelve weeks planned, I will only be teaching two of them. The rest will be taught by a different person every Sunday. The concept of this class is looking at people throughout our Bibles who went above and beyond the call of duty. Those who understood, “bringing your best.”
I kicked off the series with a broad introduction looking at the general qualities among those who brought their best. And, one of the leading characteristics is that by in large the majority were common, everyday, nobodies. Here and there we’d find a king like David or Hezekiah, but most fit that description of just a plain, simple person.
Our verse reminds us of that. There are not many mighty or noble ones. Sure, there are a few sprinkled here and there, such as the Ethiopian who was the treasurer of the queen. There were some leading ladies of Thessalonica and some from Caesar’s household. But they were the few. And, trickled through history are some famous ones who had connections to the Lord’s church, such as President Garfield, Elvis, Janis Joplin, Pat Boone, Glen Campbell, Pat Sajak, Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson, a few sports stars, but by and large the bulk of the kingdom is made up of everyday people like you and me.
Now, some thoughts from this:
First, the legitimacy of what we believe is not based upon who is in it. The credibility of our faith lies in the truthfulness of Scriptures and not some household name from Hollywood. The rich and famous have to walk the same path as the rest of us to please the Lord. It’s the same for us as for them and the same for them as it is for us. Don’t get caught up in chasing the stars who once were believers. Follow the Savior.
Second, the bulk of the kingdom work is being done by common people like you and me. The kingdom grew because of the faith that everyday people had. They understood a responsibility was placed upon their shoulders. God was counting on them. If it was not them, then who? Who would do the work? Doing what they could, many being servants and slaves, they lived, taught and showed a world Jesus Christ.
Don’t be looking to hire a preacher to do what we ought to be doing. Unlike the old Westerns on TV, we don’t bring in a gunslinger to clean up the town. It’s our responsibility and our job. We can do this, because God has equipped us and God is working through us.
Third, these simple disciples understood that the glory belongs to the Lord. There are just a few names sprinkled here in there in Paul’s letters. But most of those first disciples are unknown to us. Tracing that through history, most are forgotten. Heaven knows. Heaven remembers. Serving the purpose of God in our generation, like David is said to have done, in Acts 13, is our calling and our mission. It’s not to make a name. It’s not to be remembered. We are pointing people to Jesus.
Mechanics, office workers, school bus drivers, nurses, house moms, teachers, lab techs, and, yes, even preachers, make up the kingdom of God. The work is in our hands. We must be diligent, careful, honest and passionate about the wonderful work God has entrusted us with. MacArthur in his book, Twelve Ordinary Men, describe the twelve apostles as: “perfectly ordinary, unexceptional men” (pg 2). Among them you would not find a rabbi, a priest, a scribe or an intellectual. Most had blue collar jobs. Fishermen, called to be the backbone and the voice of the kingdom. What God did in shaping those hearts, he can do to yours.
“I’m just a member,” I’ve had some tell me. Implied, “I’m not a preacher, deacon or elder.” I’m just a nobody. But, it’s those nobodies that did the work. It’s those nobodies that became somebodies. It’s those nobodies that are the backbone and heart and faith of most congregations.
One doesn’t need a title or a position to be busy in the kingdom. Find your talent and use it to the glory of the Lord.
There are no nobodies when you belong to the Lord. You are God’s son and daughter!