Jump Start # 469
Mark 5:35 “While He was still speaking, they came from the house of the synagogue official, saying, ‘Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher anymore?’”
Mark five is one of my favorite chapters in the Gospels. It’s a favorite of mine to read, teach and think about. It would be hard to squeeze anymore action, drama or “wow” in this chapter. It begins as Jesus and the apostles had crossed the turbulent sea of Galilee. The storm was severe. Jesus calmed the sea and the hearts that were with Him in the boat. As they reach the shore, chapter five begins. A demon possessed man, who was naked, bloodied, and known to live in the cemetery and scream at night, came rushing toward Jesus. He loudly declares who Jesus is. At the request of the demons, they are sent into a herd of swine and the pigs rush off the cliff and drown in the sea below. Over 2,000 dead pigs fill the beach below. What a horrific sight that must have been. The townspeople ask Jesus to leave. Back into the boat. Over those same waters they go. At the other side, Jairus, a synagogue official is waiting for Jesus. His twelve year old daughter is dying. It’s a 911 call. Hurry! The crowd is massive. Everyone wants to see Jesus. In the process of moving on, a sick woman, with an issue of blood, touches Jesus from behind. She is healed. Jesus, stops, talks with her. Don’t forget the 911 call, Jesus. Our verse says, “While He was still speaking…” word came that the little girl died. Too late. The battle’s over. Death wins. You took too much time, Jesus.
The messengers from the house state what many felt, “Why trouble the teacher anymore?” They felt that even Jesus couldn’t do anything now. Even Jesus has limits. If only He had come. If only He had not stopped and talked to that woman and healed her. The woman with the issue of blood wasn’t dying. She could have waited. This was more important.
Mary and Martha felt that way when their brother Lazarus died. They both said, “If only you had been here…” But it’s too late now. Even you can’t do anything now.
Jesus showed that it wasn’t too late. He showed that He bows to no one, especially death. Lazarus was raised from the dead. Jairus’ daughter was raised from the dead. Jesus showed that He was Lord of all. Death stops us, but not Him. Death is a closed door to us, but not to Him. In both stories, Jesus talked to the dead and they obeyed Him. What power! What compassion! And, embarrassingly, what display of doubt by those surrounding their loved ones.
Don’t limit Jesus. Don’t give up on Jesus. We sometimes see a person who’s life is a mess with addictions, dysfunction and turmoil. They’ve been in and out of clinics, counselors all of their life. We feel that there is no hope. They’ll just die that. Many do. Some come to Christ. Don’t limit Jesus. If He can crush death, He certainly can crush addictions, dysfunction, sorry attitudes, selfishness and broken marriages. He can do that. Now we have to listen to Him. We have to do it His way—completely. We have to turn the keys of our heart over to Him. We must trust Him. We have to jump in with both feet. Going to church now and then won’t cut it. You have to give God your all. You must find a church that is serious about God. Forget the rock concerts, the carnival atmosphere of the mega churches, find one that teaches the Bible, seriously! Get into a Bible study, seriously. Pray. Commit your heart to Jesus. Obey the Lord.
About now, most folks will drop out. They want Jesus to fix them, but not that way, not at that cost. They want a band-aid when they actually need heart surgery. So they go to a neighborhood church, not having a clue what they are about or what is going on. One Sunday. It’s not a good fit. So they don’t return. They tried, they say. Jesus doesn’t help. Jesus isn’t the answer. Back to the addictions…back to the dysfunction…back to the broken and sorry life. Even, Jesus can’t fix them is the common thought.
Jesus is there. He’s willing to help. You must do it His way, it’s the only way. He’s done it thousands of times. Saul had killed Christians. He was changed. The Corinthians were drunks, thieves, idol worshippers, immoral and homosexual. Most would think, “there’s no changing those kind of people.” Wrong. Jesus did. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Maybe you see yourself in that list. Don’t give up. Don’t limit Jesus.
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