Jump Start # 3633
Proverbs 1:5 “A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel.”
I was in a local ice cream shop the other day. Hard to stay out of those places on hot summer afternoons. As I was sitting at the counter eating my treat, a couple of the workers were chit-chatting to each other nearby. The young female was complaining to the young man that he drove his car like her grandma. Since I’m in the grandparent league, I perked up and thought this will be good. I was surprised the young man had a license, he looked so young. He told his co-worker that he had been pulled over three times last week for speeding. That is why he was driving like a grandma. Three times—in ONE WEEK! Since I wasn’t invited in that conversation, and they had their backs to me, I kept quiet, but I wanted to scream “THREE TIMES IN ONE WEEK!!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING????” I’m surprised he was still driving. I expect his insurance rates will go through the roof. He acted as if it was no big deal and that the police were always looking for him. The thought occurred, he learned nothing through all of this.
And, that takes us to our verse today. A person of wisdom learns. He learns from the Lord. He learns from others. He learns from his mistakes. And, as sad and ridiculous as this young man’s driving story was, it only becomes worse when we think about us.
First, some never learn from the mistakes they have made in their marriage. Marriage is a growing process. Two young people learn. They learn about each other. They learn about life. They learn to compromise. They learn to communicate. But sadly, some never learn. They bring the baggage of selfishness into a marriage and after a few long and sad years, the marriage falls apart. They divorce. They go their separate ways. They each find someone else. And, with no lessons learned, it’s the same song once again.
Second, some never learn from their experiences with a congregation. A family moves into town and places membership with a congregation in the area. It doesn’t take long for them to realize that this congregation is different from the one they were used to in their home town. They notice that people don’t cater to their every whims. They are not the center of attention and because of that they complain that the congregation is not friendly. The leadership doesn’t allow them to do everything that they want. And, as hard as they try to change this congregation into the congregation back home, it fails. Frustrated this family leaves. They leave with no lessons learned. They leave not understanding how fellowship works and how brethren are to be united. They leave upset because they are not the center of the picture. They find another congregation and with no lessons learned, the same sad story is repeated again.
Third, some never learn from their own sins and mistakes. A weak faith allowed them to make superficial choices based upon feelings and not faith. They succumbed to the lies of the devil and seeking pleasure over the glory of the Lord they messed up. Their sin led them to seek the forgiveness of the Lord, yet, they learned no real lesson. They confessed, but they really didn’t repent. Down the same path again, the same mistakes and sins occur. Like being stuck on a merry-go-round, the same sins keep coming back, over and over and over. Now, there are ways to break that sin cycle. Change your choices. Change the environment. Change your friends. Change your habits. Get stronger spiritually. But, many never do that. So, around and around, up and down, in and out they go. Never feeling confident for very long. And, never learning anything and never none the better.
The wise man listens, learns and will do better. Maybe it’s time for us to do the same.
Pulled over by the police, three times in one week. Any lessons learned?
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