Jump Start # 755


Jump Start # 755

Matthew 2:16 “Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became enraged and sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity from two years old and under, according to the time when he had determined from the magi.”

Few things are as cruel, senseless and heart breaking as the killing of children. Little children, especially are helpless. Their world is full of smiles, and giggles and happiness, and innocence. Their hearts are so pure. They motives so good. Little children brighten every room they enter. They are the best huggers in the world. Their attention span is short. Their energy level is full blast. Grandparents love their grandchildren. Little children laugh more, play more, sing more and seem to enjoy life more than adults. Their presence reminds us of something we long for and something we have long forgotten. Our Lord told the disciples to become like little children. Kids fight, but get over it quickly and are back playing together. Adults can’t do that. Kids don’t care how much money their friends are worth. They don’t concern themselves with brands, fashions or keeping up. They accept all. Love all. I fondly remember the days when I picked up my children from kindergarten. They’d show me the pictures that they colored and they talked non-stop about all the things that they did in those few morning hours. By the time they got to high school, when I asked them how their day went, they’d say, “fine,” and that was about all I could get out of them. Those sweet, sweet days of kindergarten and first grade.

Our hearts are broken at the ugly and sinful violence that struck  first grade class rooms  last week. Twenty children were slaughtered. Little boys and girls who were looking forward to Christmas and Santa Claus were murdered by a sick man who took his life and sealed his eternity for Hell. The days of Mayberry are long gone. They’ll never come back. Evil people are every where. Our times need Jesus so badly.

Our passage reminds us that the heartbreak felt in Connecticut was felt in Judea many years before. Back then, baby boys were murdered by the government. A sick and twisted Herod, jealous of his rule, angry with the magi, decided to stamp out and eliminate any threat to his throne. He sent out his troops. Home after home they searched. When baby boys were found, they were killed. I’m certain that the parents couldn’t possibly understand why. Their cute little boys were not a threat. They had done nothing wrong. The parents were helpless. They couldn’t stop the slaughter. Tears and tears flowed, as they do now for the parents of the first grade children.

When people get drunk on sin and selfishness there is no end to the ugliness and pain that they cause. Those sweet babies in Judea are now joined by the twenty 1st graders  who were killed in Connecticut. They are joined by the thousands of innocent children who are aborted each year. Their sweet souls, that never knew sin, never did wrong, never had to be forgiven are forever safe in the arms of Jesus. No one will ever hurt them again. They will never fear any more. They will never cry any more. They are with the Lord.

The rest of us must journey on. Evil is around is. Atheism, evolution, secularism, selfishness and hearts dominated by sin will continue to scare us, hurt us and try to defeat us. I remember the cry of the slain Christians, persecuted for the name of Jesus, lying under the altar as Revelation reveals. They cried out, “How long, Lord?” We too, wonder, how long, Lord? Someday we will be through with this place. We will leave those whose hearts are cold and indifferent to the plea of the Savior. We will join the multitudes who love the Lord and be sheltered in comfort and peace in Heaven where we will forever be with our Lord.

The Bible ends with these words, “Come, Lord Jesus.” I’m ready. Are you? Heaven looks brighter and brighter each day.

Live as if your soul is already in Heaven. Say a prayer for the families that are hurting. God help this country!
