Jump Start # 139

Jump Start # 139 

Ecclesiastes 2:9-10 “That which has been is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one might say, “See this, it is new”? Already it has existed for ages which were before us.” 

  This week we turn our attention to the book of Ecclesiastes—that wonderful book where Solomon explores and examines what the meaning to life is. Solomon was gifted. He was raised by the king of Israel and grew up in a palace with splendor and wealth. His father, David, had conquered the enemies and it was a time of peace. Sometimes the lack of hard times can make us spoiled.

  Solomon was in the position to try the things he did to see what brings joy and happiness. His famous conclusion was “to fear God and keep His commandments” (12:13).

  Our verse today could be taken in sadness, “there is nothing new.” Some might challenge what Solomon is saying. The IPad is new. Solomon did not have HD TV, wireless internet, cell phones, microwaves and a zillion other things we have in our world. X-rays, CAT scans, the means to transplant hearts, lungs, replace knees were completely unknown in his time. We could just go on and on about all the things we have today that did not exist in Solomon’s time. So then, how could he say there is “nothing new” when we can list so many things?

  Solomon wasn’t talking about technology, if he even knew what that word meant. He has in mind man. Man is the same. He seeks happiness. He faces choices. He lives, tries to make a difference, and then dies. You can stand in an old cemetery and get this same lesson. The people who live a hundred years ago dressed differently, cooked differently and in many ways seem very different from us. But then you reflect and realize that they felt, longed, desired for about the same things we do. They wanted their families to grow and be decent people who love the Lord. They wanted their churches to grow and be strong. They wanted their nation to be peaceable. They fussed about their children, took care of each other and made a living and a life. Forgetting technology we are not much different than Solomon. Boys still want to see who is the fastest and strongest. Teenagers still want to date each other. One generation does not like the music of the next generation. Grandparents get old. On the inside we struggle with worry, fear, doubt and purpose. We want to do what is right. Sometimes we just are lazy and seems to take over.

  It’s hard sometimes not to see the Bible through American eyes. I am an American. This is my world. The Bible transcends time, culture and nationalities. We are all basically the same. We all need God. We all hope beyond today for the eternal home. We all need grace and forgiveness. We need help with our journey, our marriages, our families, our attitudes. Maybe that is why the hymn, “tell me the old, old story, write on my heart every word” resonates with so many. It’s not new answers we need, but the old one given by Christ. Churches need to get back to being churches, families to being families and all of us standing on that ancient gospel of Jesus Christ.

  There is nothing new…now that’s something to think about!
